
Claudia Espinet

GDC No 119507

Dental Hygienist and Therapist

1995-2000 Degree in Dentistry, MSc in Dentistry (University of the Andes, Venezuela)

2018-2019 MSc in Restorative Dentistry (International Isabel University, Spain)

Since qualifying as a dentist, Claudia has been very passionate about working with children and gained extensive clinical experience in paediatric private practices in Venezuela. She also worked with a government dental charity organisation, where she used to teach and treat children from the most deprived areas in her country.

She believes that prevention is everything, and that the younger good habits are implemented in children, the less dental problems they will experience in the future. She hopes that this will leave a lasting, positive impact on the oral health of the community.

After finishing her MSc in Restorative Dentistry, accredited by the International Isabel University in Bilbao, Spain, she gained great knowledge and experience in the areas of conservative dentistry, which allowed her to preserve as much tooth structure as possible, minimising invasive dental treatments.

Claudia advocates that visits to the dentist should be fun for children. She sees this as a great way of engaging them and increasing their awareness of the importance of oral health and its impact on their well-being.

Child and parent satisfaction is very important to us

Positive Experience

Our unique approach to treating your child is designed around building trust and confidence through positive experiences so we can promote and reinforce good oral hygiene habits whilst instilling the need to care for their own teeth.

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